5 Ways to Rev Up Your Metabolism During Winter

motivation Jan 22, 2022

 Are the shorter days making you ready to hibernate ‘til spring? Don’t let boredom, lack of sunshine or the cold get to you. You CAN stay healthy and fit during the winter months and avoid adding a spare tire. Here are a few tips to help you stay in shape and boost your metabolism.


1. Start a winter activity or sport. Take advantage of the season. Try adding at least one winter sport or activity and do it a few times per week. You could try skiing, ice skating, or snowshoeing. Just make sure it’s something you’ll enjoy and stick with.


2. Drink enough water. This may seem like odd advice during winter, since you almost don’t sweat at all. But researchers from the University of Utah found that even being mildly dehydrated can slow your metabolism by 2 to 3 percent.


3. Begin your day with coffee or tea.  That’s because drinking just one cup of cof- fee can rev up your metabolism by 5—8 per- cent (which roughly means you’ll burn an ex- tra 98 to 174 calories throughout the day). One Japanese study found that drinking one cup of brewed tea can kick your metabolism into gear and boost it by up to 12 percent!


4. Get your protein in. Adding a moderate portion of protein with every one of your meals can bump up post-meal metabolism by up to 35 percent. Plus, protein will help you feel more satisfied, longer.


5. Supplement with fish oil. There’s no doubt that fish oil is practically a miracle nutrient. And now Australian researchers have found that taking fish oil regularly (in combination with exercise) can increase enzyme activ- ity in your body that’s responsible for burning off that unsightly fat!


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